Monday, September 15, 2008

Cheap Medical Insurance Online in Arizona

Cheap medical insurance is an idea that has thousands of Arizona residents almost salivating. For most Arizona residents it has been so long since they have been able to get cheap medical coverage that they have given up all hope of ever seeing a low-cost policy again. Take heart, because all hope is not lost. There is a relative new and almost unknown form of health coverage that can save virtually everyone thousands of dollars a year while still providing them with full medical protection.

This new form of coverage is called a Health Savings Account, or HSA. An HSA is a very special savings account that you put cheap tax-free dollars into. You then use your tax-free savings to pay for all of your own medical needs during the year.

Since you are paying for your own doctor's visits and your own specialists and your own prescriptions you can pick and choose any doctors you want and any pharmacy you want with no interference whatsoever from anyone. You are in total control. And since you are paying for everything with tax-free money it's equivalent to a savings of approximately 25%.

Another huge benefit of a Health Savings Account is that any money remaining in the account at the end of a year is rolled over into the next year - tax free! That means over time it is possible that you could build up a nice tax-free nest egg that you can spend as soon as you start using Medicare.

Obviously this type of plan works best for people who are generally healthy. In fact, the majority of healthy young individuals and families could do quite well investing in this type of health plan. This type of medical coverage encourages individuals to quite smoking or using any tobacco products and it encourages people to lose weight - because the healthier you are the more you save!

Of course the surest way to save money on ANY health plan is to buy your policy online. As everyone knows, online insurance sellers have almost no overhead plus they have a lot of competition - two things which add up to incredible savings for you.

In fact, buying your medical policy online is equivalent to buying it at wholesale - and wouldn't you rather buy wholesale than pay retail?

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