Monday, September 8, 2008

Cheap High Risk Medical Insurance Online In Alabama

For most people medical insurance here in Alabama seems extremely expensive. In fact, medical insurance is now so expensive that fully 16% of all Alabama residents can't afford any medical coverage at all. The good news is there are several simple things you can do that will make YOUR cost of health insurance much more affordable.

One thing you can do is to pay your monthly premium automatically from your checking or savings account. If your insurance company doesn't have to send you an expensive bill every month they are going to pass that savings along to you.

Don't smoke or use chew - or any other tobacco product for that matter. It should come as no surprise this late in the game that if you smoke or use chew you'll never qualify for the cheapest high risk medical insurance available. If you're serious about saving money on your medical insurance then you're going to have to be equally as serious when it comes to quitting all tobacco products.

If you don't see a doctor on a regular basis then it will probably pay off handsomely for you if you increase your co-payment from 25% to 50%.

Increasing your deductible to the highest level you can afford to pay each year will also decrease your monthly cost of health insurance. Obviously care must be taken that you don't agree to pay a higher deductible than you can actually afford.

If you're after the absolutely cheapest high risk health insurance you may want to consider a Health Savings Account, or HSA. This is a special savings account that you can only use to pay for your medical expenses using non-taxed dollars, which saves you at least 25% off the cost of your medical care.

These accounts come with a very low-cost super-high-deductible health insurance policy. These policies have deductibles of at least $1,200 to $2,400 so these policies are not going to pay for any of your health care needs during a typical year. These policies are only used if you should suffer some sort of catastrophic accident or major illness that costs you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Then your low-cost high-deductible policy will save your life savings and even save you from being forced to sell your home.

You can also save a lot of money on your health insurance if you buy it online. Online health insurance sellers have virtually no overhead and so they are able to pass tremendous savings along to you.
In order to get the very best price possible online you'll need to see as many comparison health insurance prices as possible from as many different insurance companies as possible. The way you do that is you must make your price comparisons on several different sites and not rely on the results from just one site.

But do check out the prices online because that is where you are always going to find your best deals.

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