With the right advice you'll get more affordable rates for sufficient coverage. It is also necessary that I point out that there are recommendations that might put you at risk even if they help you make savings at the moment. I will, nevertheless, only make suggestions that will save you much while you still keep enjoying adequate coverage...
1. Even though most individuals know that smoking adds to their rates, they may not know that this also applies if they use other tobacco products. Those who snuff or chew tobacco will also get higher rates than those who don't. Staying away from all tobacco products will attract less expense in health insurance.
2. A group plan is less expensive than an individual plan. Don't miss it if you're in a position that gives you the opportunity of using a group plan as it generally implies that you'll pay lower rates. This statement becomes even more so if you're overweight, a smoker or an older person.
A group plan will help you make considerable savings if you have a pre-existing condition that makes individual health insurance either too costly or almost impossible to come by. A group plan is an easy way to lower your cost without reducing the quality of coverage you will enjoy.
3. You will spend less in health insurance if you if you get the right tips. Individuals who know more about health care and insurance get better deals. Moreover, you will find it easier to get every benefit that you are eligible for if you always have the right information.
There are toll-free numbers you can call if you need help on health matters. One of such numbers is that of the National Health Information Center: 1-800-336-4797
4. Buying your prescriptions on the internet is a proven way to bring down your health care spend. Buying by telephone might as well give you affordable prices. The internet reduces the cost of doing business and pharmaceutical companies or groups who sell their drugs online do so at cheaper rates. But if you've chosen to buy online try to find out a little about whom you are buying from because there are wolves online. Just go to BBB online and you will know if you should buy from an exact company.
Always remember that while we want to reduce costs we also want to avoid risks.
5. Electronic Funds Transfer, known as EFT is an easy way to reduce your premium. By doing this you authorize your insurance provider to automatically withdraw your payments from your account when due. This eliminates administrative overheads like those involved in sending payment notices. Your premium is therefore lowered in line with the cheaper cost of giving you insurance.
6. Visit a minimum of five quotes sites. Using a minimum of five quotes sites raise the chances that you'd receive cheaper health insurance quotes. This is because insurance companies not covered by one site will be represented by the other. Moreover, you know that because your chances of getting lower health insurance quotes has to do with the number of quotes you obtain, the more companies you obtain quotes from, the higher your chances will be. Requesting for your health insurance quotes online will help you save a bundle if you take out around 25 minutes to obtain quotes from at least five sites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chimezirim_Chinecherem_Odimba
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