Saturday, August 30, 2008

Affordable High Risk Medical Insurance Online In Alabama

If you want to find affordable high risk medical insurance here in Alabama you really only have one choice: you need to look online. Online health insurance sellers have almost no overhead and so they are able to pass that rather substantial savings directly to you. However, if you really want to save as much money as possible there are a few simple things you can do that will save you even MORE.

One of the simplest things you can do is to pay your monthly premium automatically each month out of your savings or checking account. This saves the insurance company the cost of sending you an expensive bill every month - and so they pass along the savings along to you.

Don't participate in dangerous or extreme sports or hobbies. If you are going to go out of your way to put your health at risk you certainly can't expect an insurance company to offer you cheap health insurance.

Likewise, if you smoke or use chew you can't think in your wildest dreams that you are ever going to get affordable health insurance. If you want affordable health insurance one cost you are going to have to pay is to quit smoking or using chew.

For many people the most affordable high risk medical insurance is one of the relatively new Health Savings Accounts - also known as an HSA account. These are special savings accounts which you fund with cheap tax-free dollars. You can only use these accounts to pay for medical expenses.

Any tax-free money left in your account at the end of the year can be rolled over into the next year, allowing you to potentially build up a rather nice tax-free nest egg over time.

These accounts come with a very low-cost and super-high-deductible health insurance policy. These policies have such a high deductible that they almost never pay for any of your medical needs in a normal year - that's what the tax-free savings account is for. What these low-cost policies do is they protect your life savings and they protect you from the possibility of being forced to sell your home in the event that you suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, such as a serious illness or a catastrophic accident that runs up medical bills in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight.

But whether you decide on an HSA account or you decide to go with a more traditional health insurance policy, one thing remains constant - you are going to get the very lowest rates if you buy your health insurance online.

Don't rely on the results you get from just one of the many health insurance price comparison websites out there. Each site only shows you the prices from a small handful of insurance companies. If you want to see the widest range of available prices open to you then you'll have to run your price comparisons on at least 3 different sites.

As soon as you've done that, however, then your job is virtually done. All that's left is for you to choose the most affordable high risk medical insurance you've found - and know that you are now saving as much money every single month as you possibly can!

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